Welcome to Tamil Forum Malaysia
Building a Brighter Future for All
At Tamil Forum Malaysia, we’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to help those who need it most. With an array of fundraising events and volunteer projects, we welcome you to join our endeavors aimed at making the world a better place. Read on and contact us to learn how you can become part of the change.
Who We Are
Advocating Change
Tamil Forum Malaysia, established in 2009 and registered on 19 May 2010, is a charitable foundation dedicated to helping those in need. With the dedication of our volunteers, staff members, and partners, we strive to improve the lives of everyone who needs help within the community. Contact us to see what you can do to bring about positive change.
Tamil Forum (Malaysia) Berhad is a company limited by guarantee
and not having a share capital,
established in 2010 under the Companies Act 1965.
The objectives of Tamil Forum are:
a. To carry out welfare, educational, reconstruction, rehabilitation and other humanitarian
assistance to Tamils and other communities in any part of the world who are in distress,
deprived, degraded, without means of earning a livelihood or affected by natural disaster
or armed conflict or otherwise.
b. To carry out independent and non-partisan studies to understand the causes for (a) for the
purposes of proposing remedies and publish and propagate such studies.
c. To liaise and affiliate with like minded organizations in other parts of the world.
Board of Directors 2020/2021
Mr. Arumugam K. - President
Mr. Vijayan S. - Deputy President
Mr. Sathiaseelan D. - General Secretary (since 1.6.2021)
Mr. Sitsabesan V - Treasurer
Dato’ Yogesvaran A. - Director
Dr. Kuna Iynkaran - Director
Dr. Iyngkaran N. -Director
Mr. Siva Sachi – resigned as Secretary (wef. 1.6.2021)
Ms Amaravathi N. - Director
Dato’ Ramesh R. - Director
11 th Annual General Meeting
​Dear TFM Members,
On behalf of the Board of Directors of TFM, we extend our best wishes to you and your family members. We trust all of you are safe and well under this pandemic circumstances. Once again it is time to hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and as such, kindly take note of the Notice of the 11th AGM 2021. Members should receive the said Notice and Audited Annual Accounts 2020 by email or by post. The Directors Report shall be presented at the time of the AGM. In line with the restrictions imposed under the National Recovery Plan - Phase 1, the Board has decided to hold the AGM via online virtual Zoom Meeting, the details are as follows :
Date: 28th September,2021
Time: 8.00pm
Meeting Mode : Zoom Meeting (virtual online)
Link : Join Zoom Meeting ( you can lock in from 7.45pm on wards)
Your attendance & participation is greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
On Behalf of Tamil Forum (Malaysia) Berhad
Sathiaseelan Durai
General Secretary
Dated: 6 November 2021
Advocacy and Protection
Shelter & Food
Health Care & Welfare
Livelihood support through Micro-credit
Our philosophy: Sharing, Caring and Nurturing with Love, Compassion and Reverence.
The "Karthigaipoo" always blooms in November and has three colours that have deep significance to the Ceylon Tamils. The three colours represent the three major races. Yellow signifies uphoalding Dharma, Red that all its members enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice and Black that the path to freedom is hard and rough.